WSOC’s May Faire will take place from 10 - 2 on Saturday, 5月4日th. Admission is free and the festival is open to the public!
活动将以学生表演为特色,包括从上午10点到11点的五朔节花柱舞.m. followed by hayrides, 易如反掌, 在脸上画画, as well as games and crafts for children of all ages. Activity and food booths open at 11 AM.
Local artisans and vendors will be selling their unique wares, including The Company of Angels, Chafinity, 台面Colorworks, 第六 & Co., 菲利斯基尔默, Castle of Costa Mesa, 分类帐作品展, The Happy Little Potter, and industrious WSOC students selling their hand-made products. The celebration will also have live music from the bluegrass band “Wood & 钢”.
Visitors are encouraged to wear white or pastel colors. 加入我们!
# waldorfmayfaire